After we got home, and after I checked my bank balance I headed over to my girlfriend Emma, who also told me I was crazy when I told her I was going to buy a boat called Moonpenny.
It's true, I've never sailed a boat, I've never set foot on a boat apart from Stephs, but my view on life follows along the lines of 'Whats the worst that can happen'. I know myself, I like to learn new things, I like to try out new activities, you have to get a survey done before buying a boat so again 'Whats the worst that can happen'.
Moonpenny was on the market for £10,000 , some people buy cars on credit, and we all know how much cars devalue, well this boat had been around for 27 odd years, I couldn't imagine a boat devaluing much further.
Another thought I had at the time was that until I spent a considerable amount of time sailing, I would have no idea of what makes a good boat, or a bad boat. There's no point buying a boat with lots of fancy toys, only to find out half the boating community hate inmast furling because of their unreliability for example. I knew what I was buying was a simple boat, though it has to be said if I had had just a ounce of knowledge I could have got a boat with more kit on but hey ho. this was a boat for cutting my teeth on and obides by the KISS rule (Keep It Simple Stupid).
On reflection I don't advise anyone to head out and buy the first boat they see with a nice interior. I struck gold when I bought Moonpenny and it could have easily have been a different story now I'm writing this two years later armed with considerably more knowledge than I did back then.
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